
Cambodia 2015 Missions video

Cambodia 2015 Missions video

:: Cambodia 2015 Missions Video::

The wait is finally over.

We're very excited to be sharing the mission video from this summer's trip to Cambodia - ENJOY!

Cambodia 2015: Day 9 - The Killing Fields + Agape International Missions

Cambodia 2015: Day 9 - The Killing Fields + Agape International Missions

Cambodia 2015: Day 9 - The Killing Fields + Agape International Missions 

Today was supposed to be a more 'low key' day. A relaxing day with more seeing than doing. However as I quickly found out it was far from that; it was a day which produced much food for thought and reflection. Find out how Day 9 in Phnom Penh unfolded.

Cambodia 2015: Day 8 - Phnom Penh

Cambodia 2015: Day 8 - Phnom Penh

Cambodia 2015: Day 8 - Phnom Penh

The team safely arrived in to the capital last night and back in the swing of things with activities today at Emmanuel Community Primary School and Power of Grace orphanage.

Lots going on and a wonderful today with our charity partners - come find out more!

Cambodia 2015: Day 7 - Solid Rock

Cambodia 2015: Day 7 - Solid Rock

Cambodia 2015: Day 7 - Solid Rock

An exciting second day today at Solid Rock with a morning service run for adults and children. Lots of energy, laughter and fun. In the afternoon, Professor Ningwen and Dr Castro performed surgery to remove a tumour from a patient who was examined at the medical clinic which took place the day before. The patient was suffering from pain with this tumour for 2 years. 

Cambodia 2015: Day 6 - Solid Rock

Cambodia 2015: Day 6 - Solid Rock

Cambodia Day 06 - Solid Rock 

Solid Rock is a church, orphanage, school and hospital! A day spent at the base of Solid Rock with a morning clinic, lunch and an invitation to a local football tournament entering as Solid Life FC!

Cambodia 2015: Day 5 - Tabaeng village

Cambodia 2015: Day 5 - Tabaeng village

Cambodia Day 05 - Tabaeng Village

We arrived at Tabaeng village at 9:30, and were greeted by more children than we could count and a crowd of patients waiting to be seen. Tabaeng village is one that Pastor Castro has recently begun to outreach to; once a week he visits to teach the children English and bible stories.